Infertility Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Infertility Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

According to modern science Infertility is the inability to getting pregnant despite of unprotected sex for one year or duration of six months in some cases. According to Ayurveda Infertility primarily refers to the biological inability of a woman of reproductive age to contribute to conception & also the state of a woman who is unable to carry pregnancy to full term.


Causes of infertility of females include:

  1. Ovulation problems (e.g. PCOS, the leading reason why women present to fertility clinics due to anovulatory infertility).
  2. Tubal blockage
  3. Pelvic inflammatory disease caused by infections like tuberculosis
  4. Age-related factors
  5. Uterine problems
  6. Previous tubal ligation
  7. Endometriosis
  8. Advanced maternal age
  9. Immune infertility

Cause of male infertility is low semen quality. In men who have the necessary reproductive organs to procreate, infertility can be caused by low sperm count due to endocrine problems, drugs, radiation, or infection. There may be testicular malformations, hormone imbalance, or blockage of the man's duct system. Although many of these can be treated through surgery or hormonal substitutions, some may be indefinite

Combined infertility

In some cases, both the man and woman may be infertile or sub-fertile, and the couple's infertility arises from the combination of these conditions. In other cases, the cause is suspected to be immunological or genetic; it may be that each partner is independently fertile but the couple cannot conceive together without assistance.

Unexplained Infertility

Up to 20% of infertile couples have unexplained infertility. In these cases abnormalities are likely to be present but not detected by current methods

Symptoms of Infertility in Females :

  1. Irregular or absence of menstrual cycles
  2. Pelvic pain, back pain and abdominal pain
  3. Pain during sex
  4. Heavy or less bleeding in periods
  5. Hair growth on chest, lips and chin
  6. Hair loss
  7. Weight gain

Symptoms of Infertility in Males :

  1. Problems associated with erections and ejaculations
  2. Testicular swelling
  3. Hard mass in testis
  4. Changed sexual desires

According to Ayurveda :

According to Ayurveda, the body is divided into various Dhatus or elements. The Dhatu that is responsible for reproductive health is called as the Shukra Dhatu. In the case of females shukra dhatu forms the ovum as part of menstrual cycles. Whereas in case of men, there is the formation of semen due to sexual stimulation. stimulation. The shukra is created as part of a long chain of metabolic transformations. It starts with the digestion of food, then goes on to transformation of food to nutrient fluid, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow, and finally, to shukra tissue. Healthy shukra tissue, then, according to Ayurveda, depends on the health of all the other tissues in the body.

There are various causes responsible in the vitiation of shukra dhatu like poor digestion and lack of well-balanced diet, the presence of too many toxins in the body, mental disturbances of anxiety, depression, and insomnia, consuming extra hot and spicy foods, which increase the body heat and thereby weaken the Shukra Dhatu. Also, sexual overindulgence or controlling of sexual urges for long period of time can eventually lead to impotency in some cases.

Ayurvedic management :

Ayurveda supports health by strengthening body's own self-healing and balancing mechanisms and doesn't rely on intervention by any outside or foreign substance to replace or correct the hormones in the body. It focuses on the treatment of infertility holistically with an aim of improving the overall health and quality of life of the individual.

Ayurvedic Panchakarma/ detoxification therapy used in the expulsion of the toxins from the body. These therapies help to correct ovarian, tubular and uterine problems causing infertility. Treatment modalities like Vamana (emesis), Virechana (puragation), Vasti (medicated enema) and Utharavasti special enema administered through urethral or vaginal routes) are done as per the condition of the patient.
In order to treat hormonal imbalances, Shirodhara therapy is used in which certain medicated oils can be used in head massages. This special rhythmic movement of oil over the forehead induces a balance in the mind and stimulates the glands to secrete the right amount of hormones.

Ayurvedic herbs are used to improve fertility in both men and women. Herbs like Kapikacchu (MucunaPruriens) improve quantity and quality of sperm in men, while Lodhra (SymplocosRacemosa) can stimulate when consumed by women. Gokshura (TribulusTerrestris) can hormones be consumed by both men and women to boost fertility. Herbs such as Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), Shatavari (Asparagus racemousus), Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) are extremely useful formulations which help create the synergistic hormonal balance between the Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and the Luteinizing Hormone (LH).

No individual herb alone is considered useful for promoting fertility. Therefore, a combination of herbs is used in the treatment of infertility with the purpose of correcting an organic or functional problem that causes infertility.

Contact expert Ayurvedic doctors at Life Line Ayurvedic Herbal Clinic to get best treatment plan for your infertility condition and make your life happier.

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Disclaimer : Sandeep Kumar and Anupam Vasudeva are not GP, they have Ayurveda medical degree from India where it is considered equal to any other medical degree. This qualification is recognized in Australia by vetassess governing body as Complementary Health Therapists. Life Line Ayurvedic Herbal Clinic does not claim to cure a disease or terminal illness and does not create any unreasonable expectation of beneficial treatment. Ayurvedic medicines and treatments are generally considered to be safe but rarely may be associated with possible adverse reactions in individual cases. We recommend seeking urgent medical attention in the case of an adverse reaction. This website provides you with information. You must contact your Ayurvedic or another health professional before you apply them. Read More