Migraine Headache Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Migraine Headache Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Headache includes many types of head and facial pain. It is the most common form of pain and a major reason people miss work or school. Most headaches are not a cause for concern; however, if they keep occurring, see your doctor to help find ways to reduce the impact on your life.



1. Primary headaches : Primary headaches are stand-alone illnesses caused directly by the overactivity of, or problems with, structures in the head that are pain-sensitive. This includes the blood vessels, muscles, and nerves of the head and neck. They may also result from changes in chemical activity in the brain. Common primary headaches include migraines, cluster headaches, and tension headaches.

2. Secondary headaches: Secondary headaches are symptoms that happen when another condition stimulates the pain-sensitive nerves of the head. In other words, the headache symptoms can be attributed to another cause. A wide range of different factors can cause secondary headaches. These include:

  1. alcohol-induced hangover
  2. brain tumour
  3. blood clots
  4. bleeding in or around the brain
  5. "brain freeze," or ice-cream headaches
  6. carbon monoxide poisoning
  7. concussion
  8. dehydration
  9. glaucoma
  10. teeth-grinding at night
  11. influenza
  12. overuse of pain medication, known as rebound headaches
  13. panic attacks
  14. stroke


As headaches can be a symptom of a serious condition, it is important to seek medical advice if they become more severe, regular, or persistent. For example, if a headache is more painful and disruptive than previous headaches, worsens, or fails to improve with medication or is accompanied by other symptoms such as confusion, fever, sensory changes, and stiffness in the neck, a doctor should be contacted immediately.

There are many types of headaches. These vary in their causes, how they feel, how severe they are, how long they last and how they respond to different treatments.


Tension headache: This is the most common type of headache. It usually begins with shoulder or neck tension and may feel like a tight band around your head, a dull ache on both sides of your head, or a heavy weight on top of your head. Tension headache can last for a few hours to days and they tend to develop later in the day. They are usually brought on by lifestyle issues such as working too much or not getting enough sleep, poor posture, and emotional stress or anxiety.

Migraine: In migraine the pain is usually one-sided, throbbing, quite intense, and can make you feel weak and exhausted. They last from a few hours to days. Migraine most commonly brings other symptoms, such as nausea, vomiting and aversion to light and noise. Some people may have a migraine aura before the headache begins, which could be problems with your eyes such as seeing zig-zag lines, dizziness, or a pins-and-needles feeling. More women than men suffer from migraine, and it is common in children, teenagers, and young adults but may begin at any age. Treatment of migraine includes lifestyle changes and using medications for relief or, in some cases, using preventive medicines to stop a migraine from happening.

Cluster headache : Cluster headaches often occur at night and usually cause sudden pain on one side of your head – often around your eye. They can happen several times a day for a period of time, then disappear for months or years. If you get cluster headaches, try to identify the triggers and avoid those things. If they become a problem, see your doctor.

Sinus headache: Sinus headache is described as pain around the eyes, forehead, cheeks, or teeth which gets worse when leaning forward. It can be dull or severe. It is often associated with other symptoms of sinusitis such as a blocked or stuffy nose, feeling of pressure inside your head, mucus from your nose and a post-nasal drip.

Medication overuse headache : Medication overuse (or rebound) headache can happen from using too much pain relief medication to treat headaches. It may feel like a tension-type headache or migraine-like attack. Headaches often improve within 2 months of withdrawal from the overused medicine but can feel worse before improvement is seen. To avoid this, limit the use of pain relief medication – use them for the shortest possible time, only when you have pain.



In Ayurveda this condition is referred as ‘Sooryavarta’. Soorya means ‘Sun’ and Avarta means ‘Affliction’ or ‘Blockage’. The headache gets worsened on sunrise, peaks during noon hours and reduces after evening. Even though this is the typical feature of illness, it may not be true in all cases as symptoms may vary according to body types and habits. Two other conditions as mentioned in some other Ayurvedic texts also resemble with this condition- Ardhaavabheda (unilateral pain) and Anantavaata (classical migraine). These disorders occur due to three doshas imbalance in the body, especially due to vitiated vata dosha.


  1. Constipation
  2. Indigestion
  3. Intake of polluted food
  4. Spicy and oily food
  5. Stress, anger, jealousy, sadness
  6. Excessive intake of salty, dry and pungent food
  7. Suppression of natural urges



Ayurvedic treatment of migraine headaches involves herbs, ayurvedic medicines, yoga, ayurvedic therapies, and lifestyle changes.



  1. Brahmi ghrit
  2. Sarapgandha vati
  3. Ksheerbala capsule
  4. Yograj guggul
  5. Yashtimadhu churna
  6. Triphala churna
  7. Pathyadi khada
  8. Shirashooladi vajra rasa
  9. Kumaryasava
  10. Godanti bhasma
  11. Aswagandharishtam
  12. Balarishtam
  13. Anu thailam
  14. Brahmi thailam
  15. Chandanadi thailam
  16. Rasnadi Kashayam
  17. Brahm rasayanam
  18. Sudarshan ghan vati


Shirodhara: https://www.lifelineherbal.com.au/services/shirodhara.html

Nasyam:     https://www.lifelineherbal.com.au/services/nasya.html

Shiroabhyang:   https://www.lifelineherbal.com.au/services/shiro-abhyanga.html                                                    
Shiro Abhyanga, il massaggio anti-stress - Vivere.yoga - Vivere lo Yoga  Eventi



  1. Savasana
  2. Setu bandha
  3. Paschimottanasana
  4. Janusirsasana


  1. Make sure to have a good sleep.
  2. Avoid taking painkillers frequently without a doctor’s advice.
  3. Avoid excessive use of alcohol and smoke.
  4. Don’t take strong tea or coffee.
  5. Avoid fasting frequently.
  6. Avoid skipping meals.
  7. Do morning walk for some time.
  8. Use a hat or umbrella to avoid direct sunlight.
  9. Avoid excessive use of computers, mobile, and TV.

Contact expert Ayurvedic doctors at Life Line Ayurvedic Herbal Clinic to manage your headache problems effectively and naturally without any side effects.  CONTACT

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Disclaimer : Sandeep Kumar and Anupam Vasudeva are not GP, they have Ayurveda medical degree from India where it is considered equal to any other medical degree. This qualification is recognized in Australia by vetassess governing body as Complementary Health Therapists. Life Line Ayurvedic Herbal Clinic does not claim to cure a disease or terminal illness and does not create any unreasonable expectation of beneficial treatment. Ayurvedic medicines and treatments are generally considered to be safe but rarely may be associated with possible adverse reactions in individual cases. We recommend seeking urgent medical attention in the case of an adverse reaction. This website provides you with information. You must contact your Ayurvedic or another health professional before you apply them. Read More